Stainless Steel FAQ
Components of the Stainless Steel Door Hinge price
Stainless Steel Door Hinge is a type of hinge or hinge made of stainless steel. We can call it a hinge, a hinge hardware product that connectsthe door to the door frame and plays a certain load-bearing function. By stainless steel, we generally mean 304 stainless steel, which is one othe most widely used and increasingly popular matenials. When it comes to the price of Stainless Steel Door Hinge, we need to elaborate onseveral aspects of the price of Stainless Steel Door Hinge from which factors, specifically the main raw materals, production processes.assembly, and processing technology. Here are some answers.
How to Select Stainless Steel?Stainless steelis short for stainless acid-resisiant stee. weak corosive media such as ai. steam. water or the steel with rust resisitance iscalled stainless steel. Each stainless steel has good properties in its specific aplication fields. The key to success is first to clarify the usageand then to detemmine the correct steel grade.
Stainless Steel Materials
Stainless steels are divided into grades (and sub grades) which are determined by their specific constituent elements e.g Chromium andNickel, these grades help identify whether that steel is more or less suitable for any given application and for example in guidance on thematerials corrosion resistance, mechanical or thermal performance or machinability.
Is stainless steel 304 non-magnetic?
It is commonly stated that "stainless steel is non-magnetic". This is not strictly true and the real situation is rather more compicated. Thedegree of maonetic response or maanetic permeability is derived from the microstructure of the steel.A totaly non-maanetic material has arelative magnetic permeabilty of 1. Austenitic structures are totaly non-magnetic and so a 100% austenitic stainless steel would have apermeability of 1. In practice this is not achieved.
How to identify Stainless Steel 304 Grade or 316 Grade?
When selecting stainless steel hardware, it is important to understand the diferences between the variety of grades and finishes avallable soyou can choose the products that wilwork most safely and efectively for your purposes. it's dificut to distinguish between these two types ofsteel visually, but sionificant diferences between the two steel types do exist and are important to understand. Below is a basic auide to thesimilarities and differences of 304 grade and 316 qrade stainless steel.